Non-identified journalist at did not violate Charter's principle
The journalistic material in question was published on the website and was about the murder of a minor child by his uncle. The material was accompanied by the photos of the deceased minor. The applicant believed that the publication of the photograph of the killed juvenile violated the Eighth Principle (child’s interest) of the Charter. The Council did not accept the applicant’s arguments and concluded that the Charter's principles were not violated as the deceased could not have been harmed any longer. In addition, the photo was disseminated a few hours later after the murder, when the relatives of the minor had been already informed of the incident and there was no risk that they would learn about the news of the death of the teenager after the publication of the material. In addition, the photo was obtained from a social network, a publicly available domain. Furthermore, the photo was taken at another time and did not reflect the gruesome incident.

Only the applicant was present at the hearing. The respondent media outlet did not cooperate with the Charter. They neither attended the hearing nor provided the identity of the author of the article.